By combining our flair for excellence and noticeability, Custom Vehicle Wraps Inc has partnered with Brendan Lam, owner of Pho Garden in San Francisco, to bring hot, fresh, and savory Pho to a location near you. Our vehicle wrapping company has a main priority which is to ensure extraordinary customer service and satisfaction.
Using his polished and wrapped sprinter van as a mobile kitchen on wheels, allows Lam to deliver his delicious family style Vietnamese cuisine and Pho specialties to almost anywhere in the local Bay Area. Some of Pho Garden’s “Pho-tastic” items include; traditional Pho, Tai, Com Dia, Bun, and the very vegan friendly Mon Chay. Not quite sure what these “Pho-tastic” delectables are? Well just head on over to their website and give the menu a peek, there’s something for everyone. May your culinary experience be “Pho-nomonal” – and if you’re interested in getting a similar wrap for your food truck then give us a call or fill out a contact form.
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